Nurse-led clinics
The practice offers the following nurse-led clinics with our practice nurse Caroline Watson. The doctors often assist her in providing you with an efficient, caring service.
- Asthma
- Diabetic
- COPD (breathing problems)
- Hypertension
- Epilepsy
- Hypothyroidism
- Mental health
- CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)
- Stroke/TIA
- CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease)
- New patient health checks
- Well woman clinic
- Fragility clinics
- Smoking cessation
- Weight management
- Foreign travel
- INR (warfarin checks)
- Near patient testing (regular blood checks for patients on certain medications)
All clinics are by appointment. Patients are invited to attend these clinics for monitoring of their condition on a regular basis; please inform the surgery on 02866325638 if you cannot attend your appointment. Patients can also request an appointment at any time to attend a clinic.
Baby clinics
Our health visitor holds baby clinics on Monday mornings for childhood immunisations and child development checks.
You will receive an appointment from the Health Authority when your child is due for immunisation. We expect all babies to have the recommended vaccines as medically indicated.
Antenatal clinic
Antenatal clinics are held in the South West Acute Hospital (SWAH).
Minor surgery
Minor surgery procedures are carried out by appointment.
Adult vaccinations
Tetanus and polio: all adults should ensure they have had a tetanus and polio booster in the last ten years.
Flu vaccinations: these are available each autumn for those patients who are elderly or at risk due to certain medical conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, kidney disease, heart trouble or patients who are carers.
Pneumococcal vaccinations: this vaccination is available to all of the above patients.
Foreign travel: a full range of advice and immunisations is available; please make arrangements at least eight weeks in advance of travel to ensure adequate cover.